Friday, May 26, 2017

Pardon Our Dust UPDATE

This week on Broad Street, station construction continued at Allison East; Cleveland East and West; and Science Museum East and West stations. MOT barriers are being placed at VCU/VUU East station this week, in preparation for station construction scheduled to begin next week. Restoration (undercutting and backfilling) of the Broad Street median occurred, between Belvidere and Adams Streets. Crews continued the water line relocation at Staples Mill East; the waterline shut-down is scheduled for overnight hours on Thurs., May 25. Traffic signal work continued at several intersections from Foushee St. eastward, as well as at the Willow Lawn Dr. intersection. On E. Main Street, construction continued at the East Riverfront and Shockoe Bottom East stations and at the Orleans station in Rocketts Landing. 
Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) has been established where work is occurring; see last page of this look-ahead for messaging on the MOT, to be shared with stakeholders. 

Most of construction activity is occurring during permitted daytime hours, 7.a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Saturday. Traffic signal work is occurring during both permitted daytime and nighttime hours, 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., Sunday to Thursday. Details are below. All schedules are weather and progress-dependent. 

Memorial Day Holiday Restrictions:  Work stops Fri., May 26 at 7 a.m. and resumes Tues., May 30 at 7 a.m. (City of Richmond) and 9 a.m. (Willow Lawn/Henrico County).

WEEKLY RE-CAP Sun., May 21 - Thurs., May 25

Traffic Signal Work
When:  Sun., May 21 to Thurs., May 25 (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and Mon., May 22 to Thurs., May 25 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. at Willow Lawn Dr., Foushee St., 6th St., 12th St., and Old 14th St. (trenching). Broad St. from Shafer St. eastward (cabinet foundations)
Impacts:  Temporary single and double lane closures at signal intersections. Temporary
detours possible on Broad St., 14th St. and Main St., where signal work is occurring. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Roadway Work
When: Mon., May 22 to Thurs., May 25 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. from Belvidere St. to Adams St.
What:  Undercut/Backfill 
Impacts: No additional traffic impacts; work is within existing median MOT.

Water Line Work
When:   Mon., May 22 to Thurs., May 25 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where:  Staples Mill East, Broad St. eastbound, between Chantilly St. and Blacker St.
Impacts: Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Construction
When: Mon., May 22 to Thurs., May 25 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Allison East (Median Station)
Where:  Broad St., btwn Allison St. & Meadow St.  
What:  Station Foundation / Kneewall / Pour Concrete
Parking Impacts: North side of Broad St (WB direction) parking will be permanently removed.
South side of Broad St. (EB direction) parking is temporarily removed, while the Allison East station construction is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Science Museum East/West (Median Stations)
Where: Between Robinson St. & Terminal Pl.
What:   Kneewall & Equipment Pad / Pour Concrete
Parking Impacts:  North side of Broad St (WB direction) parking will be permanently removed from the Science Museum entrance to near Terminal Pl. After completion of station, some parking will be restored near Terminal Pl.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction) parking will be permanently removed between the Boulevard to Strawberry St. After completion of station, a few parking spaces will be restored west of Robinson St. and west of Strawberry St.  

Cleveland East/West (Median Stations)
Where: Between Cleveland St. & Altamont St.
What:  Kneewall & Equipment Pad / Pour Concrete
Parking Impacts:  North side of Broad St (WB direction) parking will be temporarily removed while construction of Cleveland stations is occurring. After completion of stations, some parking will be restored between Sheppard St. and Boulevard; west of MacTavish St.; and between Roseneath Rd. and I-195 overpass.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction) parking will be permanently removed from I-195 overpass to Boulevard.

VCU/VUU East (Median Station) 
Where: Between Shafer St. & Laurel St.
What:  MOT Barriers Set
Parking Impacts:  North Side of Broad St. (WB direction) parking will be permanently removed from Harrison St. to Belvidere St. After completion of station, some parking will be restored west of Harrison St., near the Siegel Center.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction) parking will be temporarily removed across from Hancock St. to Laurel St. After completion of station, some parking will be restored east and west of Shafer St.

Orleans:  Orleans St. (Curb Station)
Where: Rocketts Landing  
What:  Excavation / Foundation
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

East Riverfront East (Curb Station)
Where: E. Main St., btwn Ash St. & Nicholson St.
What:  Pour Foundation (East station); Station Layout (West station)

Shockoe Bottom East (Curb Station)
Where:  E. Main St. eastbound, between 24th & 25th St.
What:  Station Foundation /  Excavation
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Impacts include the following: 
Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Median Station Impacts:
  • Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, from Hamilton St. to 1st St. 
  • Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. 
  • At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.
Curb Station Impacts:
  • A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. 
  • Sidewalks within construction zones will be closed during construction. 
  • Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.
  • East Riverfront East and West stations are within an area that is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.
Tuesday, May 30 to Saturday, June 3
Traffic Signal Work
When:  Tues., May 30 to Thurs., June 1 (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and Tues., May 30 to Thurs., June 1 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. at 6th St. (trenching); Franklin St. at 14th St. (trenching); and E. Main St. at 14th St. (trenching).
Impacts:  Temporary single and double lane closures at signal intersections. Temporary detours possible on Broad St., 14th St. and Main St., where signal work is occurring. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Roadway Work
When:  Tues., May 30 to Sat., June 3 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. from Belvidere St. to Adams St.; Broad St. from Belvidere St. westward; and Belvidere St. eastward
What:  Pour concrete; median demolition; and undercut/backfill
Impacts: No additional traffic impacts; work is within existing median MOT.

Water Line Work
When: Tues., May 30 to Sat., June 3 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where:  Willow Lawn, Broad St. eastbound, between Byrd Ave. and Willow Lawn Dr.
Impacts: Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Work  
When: Mon., May 22 to Thurs., May 25
 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Impacts include the following: 
Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Median Station Impacts:
  • Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, from Hamilton St. to 1st St. 
  • Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. 
  • At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.
Curb Station Impacts:
  • A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. 
  • Sidewalks within construction zones will be closed during construction. 
  • Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.
  • East Riverfront East and West stations are within an area that is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.

Allison East (Median Station)
Where:  Broad St., btwn Allison St. & Meadow St.  
What: Kneewall
Parking Impacts: North side of Broad St (WB direction) parking will be permanently removed. South side of Broad St. (EB direction)  parking is temporarily removed, while the Allison East station construction is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Science Museum East/West (Median Stations)
Where:  Between Robinson St. & Terminal Pl.
What:  Totem & Kneewall / Pour Concrete
Parking Impacts:  North side of Broad St (WB direction) parking will be permanently removed from the Science Museum entrance to near Terminal Pl. After completion of station, some parking will be restored near Terminal Pl.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction) parking will be permanently removed between the Boulevard to Strawberry St. After completion of station, a few parking spaces will be restored west of Robinson St. and west of Strawberry St.  

Cleveland East/West (Median Stations)
Where: Between Cleveland St. & Altamont St.
What:   Station Foundation / Totem / Pour Concrete
Parking Impacts:  North side of Broad St (WB direction): Parking will be temporarily removed while construction of Cleveland stations is occurring. After completion of stations, some parking will be restored between Sheppard St. and Boulevard; west of MacTavish St.; and between Roseneath Rd. and I-195 overpass.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed from I-195 overpass to Boulevard.

VCU/VUU East (Median Station) 
Where: Between Shafer St. & Laurel St.
What:  Excavation & Backfilling
Parking Impacts:  North Side of Broad St. (WB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed from Harrison St. to Belvidere St. After completion of station, some parking will be restored west of Harrison St., near the Siegel Center.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be temporarily removed across from Hancock St. to Laurel St. After completion of station, some parking will be restored east and west of Shafer St.

Orleans (Curb Station)
Where: Orleans St. at Rocketts Landing  
What: Station Foundation / Footers
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

East Riverfront West/East (Curb Stations)
Where:  E. Main St., btwn Ash St. & Nicholson St.
What: Footers (West station); Station Foundation (East station)

Shockoe Bottom East (Curb Station)
Where:  E. Main St. eastbound, between 24th & 25th Sts.
What:   Station Foundation / Footers
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Staples Mill West (Curb Station)
Where:  WB Broad St., btwn Staples Mill Rd. & Maywill St.
What:   Excavation / Backfill (East station); Set MOT barrier (West station)
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Willow Lawn (Curb Station)
Where: Eastbound Broad St., btwn Byrd Ave. & Willow Lawn Dr.
What:  Set Barrier / MOT (to begin waterline relocation)
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Sunday, June 4 to Saturday, June 10
Traffic Signal Work
When: Mon., June 5 to Thurs., June 8 (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and Mon., June 5 to Fri., June 9 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Main St. at 14th St., 17th St., 18th St., 19th St. and 21st St. (trenching).  Broad St. from Shafer eastward (cabinet foundations)

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Roadway Work
When:  Mon., June 5 to Sat., June 10 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where:  Broad St. from Lombardy St. westward
What:  Clean-up and pour concrete
Impacts: No additional traffic impacts; work is within existing median MOT.

Water Line Work
When: Mon., June 5 to Sat., June 10 (7 am to 5 pm)
Where:  Willow Lawn, Broad St. eastbound, between Byrd Ave. and Willow Lawn Dr.
Impacts:  Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Work 
When:  Mon., June 5 to Sat., June 10 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Impacts include the following: 
Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Median Station Impacts:
  • Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, from Hamilton St. to 1st St. 
  • Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. 
  • At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.
Curb Station Impacts:
  • A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. 
  • Sidewalks within construction zones will be closed during construction. 
  • Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.
  • East Riverfront East and West stations are within an area that is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.
Allison East (Median Station)
Where:  Broad St., btwn Allison St. & Meadow St.  
What:  Backfill / Install Comms. / Electrical Conduits
Parking Impacts: North side of Broad St (WB direction):  parking will be permanently removed. South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  parking is temporarily removed, while the Allison East station construction is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Science Museum East/West (Median Stations)
Where:  Robinson St. & Terminal Pl.
What: Kneewall  / Backfilling
Parking Impacts:  North side of Broad St (WB direction): Parking will be permanently removed from the Science Museum entrance to near Terminal Pl. After completion of station, some parking will be restored near Terminal Pl.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed between the Boulevard to Strawberry St. After completion of station, a few parking spaces will be restored west of Robinson St. and west of Strawberry St.  

Cleveland East/West (Median Stations)
Where:  Between Cleveland St. & Altamont St.
What: T.B.D.
Parking Impacts:  North side of Broad St (WB direction): Parking will be temporarily removed while construction of Cleveland stations is occurring. After completion of stations, some parking will be restored between Sheppard St. and Boulevard; west of MacTavish St.; and between Roseneath Rd. and I-195 overpass.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed from I-195 overpass to Boulevard. 

VCU/VUU East (Median Station) 
Where: Between Shafer St. & Laurel St.
What:  Station Foundation / Footers
Parking Impacts:  North Side of Broad St. (WB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed from Harrison St. to Belvidere St. After completion of station, some parking will be restored west of Harrison St., near the Siegel Center.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be temporarily removed across from Hancock St. to Laurel St. After completion of station, some parking will be restored east and west of Shafer St.

Government Center East (Curb Station) 
Where:   Broad St., btwn 8th & 9th Sts. 
What:  Excavation / Backfilling
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Orleans (Curb Station) 
Where:  Orleans St. at Rocketts Landing  
What: Station Foundation / Footers
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

East Riverfront West/East (Curb Stations) 
Where: E. Main St., btwn Ash St. & Nicholson St.
What:  Footers / Backfill (West station)

Shockoe Bottom East (Curb Station) 
Where:  E. Main St. eastbound, between 24th & 25th Sts.
What:  Footers / Pour concrete
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Staples Mill West (Curb Station)
Where:  WB Broad St., btwn Staples Mill Rd. & Maywill St.
What:   Footers (East station); Excavation/Backfill (West station)
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Sunday, June 11 to Saturday, June 17
Traffic Signal Work
When:  Sun., June 11 to Thurs., June 15 (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and Mon., June 12 to Fri., June 16 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where:  Main St., at 25th St., Orleans St. (trenching).  Broad St. from Shafer St. eastward (cabinet foundations).

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Roadway Work
When: Mon., June 12 to Sat., June 17 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. from Lombardy St. westward
What:  Pour concrete

Water Line Work
When:  Mon., June 12 to Sat., June 17 (7 am to 5 pm)
Where:  Willow Lawn, Broad St. eastbound, between Byrd Ave. and Willow Lawn Dr.
Impacts:  Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Construction
When:  Mon., June 12 to Sat., June 17 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Impacts include the following: 
Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Median Station Impacts:
  • Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, from Hamilton St. to 1st St. 
  • Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. 
  • At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.
Curb Station Impacts:
  • A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. 
  • Sidewalks within construction zones will be closed during construction. 
  • Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.
  • East Riverfront East and West stations are within an area that is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.
Allison East (Median Station) 
Where:  Broad St., btwn Allison St. & Meadow St.  
What:  T.B.D.
Parking Impacts: North side of Broad St (WB direction):  parking will be permanently removed. South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  parking is temporarily removed, while the Allison East station construction is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Science Museum East/West (Median Stations)
Where:  Between Robinson St. & Terminal Pl.
What:  Kneewall  (East station); TBD (West station)
Parking Impacts:  North side of Broad St (WB direction): Parking will be permanently removed from the Science Museum entrance to near Terminal Pl. After completion of station, some parking will be restored near Terminal Pl.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed between the Boulevard to Strawberry St. After completion of station, a few parking spaces will be restored west of Robinson St. and west of Strawberry St.  

Cleveland East/West (Median Stations)  
Where:  Between Cleveland St. & Altamont St.
What:   T.B.D.
Parking Impacts: North side of Broad St (WB direction): Parking will be temporarily removed while construction of Cleveland stations is occurring. After completion of stations, some parking will be restored between Sheppard St. and Boulevard; west of MacTavish St.; and between Roseneath Rd. and I-195 overpass.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed from I-195 overpass to Boulevard. 

VCU/VUU East (Median Station)  
Where:  Between Shafer St. & Laurel St.
What:  Footers / Pour concrete
Parking Impacts: North Side of Broad St. (WB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed from Harrison St. to Belvidere St. After completion of station, some parking will be restored west of Harrison St., near the Siegel Center.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be temporarily removed across from Hancock St. to Laurel St. After completion of station, some parking will be restored east and west of Shafer St.

Government Center East (Curb Station) 
Where:   Broad St., btwn 8th & 9th Sts. 
What:  Footers (East station); Excavation/Backfill (West stn)
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Orleans (Curb Station) 
Where:  Orleans St. at Rocketts Landing  
What: Footers / Pour concrete
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

East Riverfront West/East (Curb Stations)
Where: E. Main St., between Ash St. & Nicholson St.
What:  T.B.D.

Shockoe Bottom East (Curb Station)
Where:  E. Main St. eastbound, between 24th & 25th Sts.
What:  T.B.D.
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Staples Mill East (Curb Station)
Where: Eastbound Broad St., between Chantilly St. & Blacker St.
What:  Footers/Pour concrete (East station); Footers (West station)
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Pardon Our Dust UPDATE

This week on Broad Street, station construction continued at Allison East; Cleveland East and West; and Science Museum East and West stations. Demolition of the Broad Street median continued, from Belvidere St. eastward. Crews also continued the water line relocation at Staples Mill East. Traffic signal work continued at several intersections from 6th Street eastward, as well as from Roseneath Rd. eastward. On E. Main Street, construction continued at the East Riverfront East and Shockoe Bottom East stations and at the Orleans station in Rocketts Landing.

Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) has been established where work is occurring.

Most of construction activity is occurring during permitted daytime hours, 7.a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Saturday. Traffic signal work is occurring during both permitted daytime and nighttime hours, 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., Sunday to Thursday. Details are below.

All schedules are weather and progress-dependent.

IMPORTANT HOLIDAY NOTICE: Work stops Fri., May 26 at 7 a.m. and resumes Tues., May 30 at 7 a.m.
Weekly RE-CAP Sun., May 14 - Sat., May 20

Traffic Signal Work
When:  Sun., May 14 to Thurs., May 18 (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and Mon., May 15 to Fri., May 19 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. at 6th St., 11th St., 12th St., 14th St., Old 14th St.  and Franklin St. at 14th (trenching).  Broad St. at Roseneath Rd./Tilden St., Altamont St./Sheppard St., Robinson St./N. Davis Ave. (cabinet foundations)
Impacts:  Temporary single and double lane closures at signal intersections. Temporary
detours possible on Broad St., 14th St. and Main St., where signal work is occurring. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Roadway Work
When: Mon., May 15 to Sat., May 20 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. from Belvidere St. eastward
What:  Median demolition
Impacts: No additional traffic impacts; work is within existing median MOT.

Water Line Work
When:   Mon., May 15 to Fri., May 20 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where:  Staples Mill East, Broad St. eastbound, between Chantilly St. and Blacker St.
Impacts: Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Construction
When: Mon., May 15 to Sat., May 20 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Allison East (Median Station)
Where:  Broad St., btwn Allison St. & Meadow St.  
What:  Station Foundation (pending receipt of masonry)

Science Museum East/West (Median Stations)
Where: Between Robinson St. & Terminal Pl.
What:   Totem, Kneewall & Equipment Pad 

Cleveland East/West (Median Stations)
Where: Between Cleveland St. & Altamont St.
What:  Station Foundation, Totem and Equipment Pad

Orleans:  Orleans St. (Curb Station)
Where: Rocketts Landing  
What:  Excavation and Grading

East Riverfront East (Curb Station)
Where: E. Main St., btwn Ash St. & Nicholson St.
What:  Station Foundation

Shockoe Bottom East (Curb Station)
Where:  E. Main St. eastbound, between 24th & 25th St.
What:  Station Foundation /  Excavation

Impacts include the following: 
Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Median Station Impacts:

  • Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, from Hamilton St. to 1st St. 
  • Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. 
  • At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.

Curb Station Impacts:

  • A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. 
  • Sidewalks within construction zones will be closed during construction. 
  • Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.
  • East Riverfront East and West stations are within an area that is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.

Sunday, May 21 to Friday, May 26

Traffic Signal Work
When:  Sun., May 21 to Thurs., May 25 (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and Mon., May 22 to Thurs., May 25 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. at 12th St., 14th St., Old 14th St. (trenching); Franklin St. at 14th St. (trenching); and E. Main St. at 14th St. (trenching).
Impacts:  Temporary single and double lane closures at signal intersections. Temporary detours possible on Broad St., 14th St. and Main St., where signal work is occurring. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Roadway Work
When:  Mon., May 22 to Thurs., May 25
 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. from Belvidere St. eastward
What:  Median demolition
Impacts: No additional traffic impacts; work is within existing median MOT.

Water Line Work
When: Mon., May 22 to Thurs., May 25
 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where:  Staples Mill East, Broad St. eastbound, between Chantilly St. and Blacker St.
Impacts: Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Work  
When: Mon., May 22 to Thurs., May 25
 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Impacts include the following: 
Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Median Station Impacts:

  • Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, from Hamilton St. to 1st St. 
  • Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. 
  • At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.

Curb Station Impacts:

  • A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. 
  • Sidewalks within construction zones will be closed during construction. 
  • Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.
  • East Riverfront East and West stations are within an area that is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.

Allison East (Median Station)
Where:  Broad St., btwn Allison St. & Meadow St.  
What: Station Foundation / Masonry (pending approved materials)
Parking Impacts: North side of Broad St (WB direction):  parking will be permanently removed.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  parking is temporarily removed, while the Allison East station construction is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Science Museum East/West (Median Stations)
Where:  Between Robinson St. & Terminal Pl.
What:  Kneewall & Equipment Pad
Parking Impacts:  North side of Broad St (WB direction): Parking will be permanently removed from the Science Museum entrance to near Terminal Pl. After completion of station, some parking will be restored near Terminal Pl.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed between the Boulevard to Strawberry St. After completion of station, a few parking spaces will be restored west of Robinson St. and west of Strawberry St.  

Cleveland East/West (Median Stations)
Where: Between Cleveland St. & Altamont St.
What:   Kneewall & Equipment Pad
Parking Impacts:  North side of Broad St (WB direction): Parking will be temporarily removed while construction of Cleveland stations is occurring. After completion of stations, some parking will be restored between Sheppard St. and Boulevard; west of MacTavish St.; and between Roseneath Rd. and I-195 overpass.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed from I-195 overpass to Boulevard.

VCU/VUU East (Median Station) 
Where: Between Shafer St. & Laurel St.
What:  MOT Barriers Set; Excavation
Parking Impacts:  North Side of Broad St. (WB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed from Harrison St. to Belvidere St. After completion of station, some parking will be restored west of Harrison St., near the Siegel Center.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be temporarily removed across from Hancock St. to Laurel St. After completion of station, some parking will be restored east and west of Shafer St.

Orleans (Curb Station)
Where: Orleans St. at Rocketts Landing  
What: Station Foundation / Footers
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

East Riverfront West/East (Curb Stations)
Where:  E. Main St., btwn Ash St. & Nicholson St.
What:  Station Foundation / Footers

Shockoe Bottom East (Curb Station)
Where:  E. Main St. eastbound, between 24th & 25th Sts.
What:   Station Foundation /  Excavation
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Staples Mill West (Curb Station)
Where:  WB Broad St., btwn Staples Mill Rd. & Maywill St.
What:   Set Barrier / MOT
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Tuesday, May 30 to Saturday, June 3
Traffic Signal Work
When: Tues., May 30 to Thurs., June 1 (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and Tues., May 30 to Fri., June 2 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Intersections T.B.D.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Roadway Work
When:  Tues., May 30 to Sat., June 3 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where:  Broad St. from Lombardy St. westward
What:  Median paving
Impacts: No additional traffic impacts; work is within existing median MOT.

Water Line Work
When: Tues., May 30 to Sat., June 3 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.) 
Where:  Willow Lawn, Broad St. eastbound, between Byrd Ave. and Willow Lawn Dr.
Impacts:  Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Work 
When:  Tues., May 30 to Sat., May 3 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Impacts include the following: 
Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Median Station Impacts:

  • Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, from Hamilton St. to 1st St. 
  • Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. 
  • At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.

Curb Station Impacts:

  • A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. 
  • Sidewalks within construction zones will be closed during construction. 
  • Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.
  • East Riverfront East and West stations are within an area that is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.

Allison East (Median Station)
Where:  Broad St., btwn Allison St. & Meadow St.  
What:  Station Foundation / Kneewall (pending approved materials)
Parking Impacts: North side of Broad St (WB direction):  parking will be permanently removed. South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  parking is temporarily removed, while the Allison East station construction is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Science Museum East/West (Median Stations)
Where:  Robinson St. & Terminal Pl.
What:  T.B.D.
Parking Impacts:  North side of Broad St (WB direction): Parking will be permanently removed from the Science Museum entrance to near Terminal Pl. After completion of station, some parking will be restored near Terminal Pl.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed between the Boulevard to Strawberry St. After completion of station, a few parking spaces will be restored west of Robinson St. and west of Strawberry St.  

Cleveland East/West (Median Stations)
Where:  Between Cleveland St. & Altamont St.
What: T.B.D.
Parking Impacts:  North side of Broad St (WB direction): Parking will be temporarily removed while construction of Cleveland stations is occurring. After completion of stations, some parking will be restored between Sheppard St. and Boulevard; west of MacTavish St.; and between Roseneath Rd. and I-195 overpass.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed from I-195 overpass to Boulevard. 

VCU/VUU East (Median Station) 
Where: Between Shafer St. & Laurel St.
What:  Station Foundation / Footers
Parking Impacts:  North Side of Broad St. (WB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed from Harrison St. to Belvidere St. After completion of station, some parking will be restored west of Harrison St., near the Siegel Center.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be temporarily removed across from Hancock St. to Laurel St. After completion of station, some parking will be restored east and west of Shafer St.

Convention Center East (Curb Station) 
Where:   Broad St. btwn 4th & 5th Sts. 
What:  Station Foundation / Footers
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Orleans (Curb Station) 
Where:  Orleans St. at Rocketts Landing  
What: Station Foundation / Footers
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

East Riverfront West/East (Curb Stations) 
Where: E. Main St., btwn Ash St. & Nicholson St.
What:  Station Foundation / Footers

Shockoe Bottom East (Curb Station) 
Where:  E. Main St. eastbound, between 24th & 25th Sts.
What:  Station Foundation / Footers
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Willow Lawn (Curb Station)
Where: Eastbound Broad St., btwn Byrd Ave. & Willow Lawn Dr.
What:  Set Barrier / MOT
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Staples Mill West (Curb Station)
Where:  WB Broad St., btwn Staples Mill Rd. & Maywill St.
What:   Excavation
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Sunday, June 4 to Saturday, June 10
Traffic Signal Work
When:  Sun., June 4 to Thurs., June 8 (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and Mon., June 5 to Fri., June 9 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where:  Intersections T.B.D.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Roadway Work
When: Mon., June 5 to Sat., June 10 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. from Lombardy St. westward
What:  Median paving

Water Line Work
When:  Mon., June 5 to Sat., June 10 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where:  Willow Lawn, Broad St. eastbound, between Byrd Ave. and Willow Lawn Dr.
Impacts:  Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Construction
When:  Mon., June 5 to Sat., June 10 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Impacts include the following: 
Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Median Station Impacts:

  • Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, from Hamilton St. to 1st St. 
  • Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. 
  • At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.

Curb Station Impacts:

  • A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. 
  • Sidewalks within construction zones will be closed during construction. 
  • Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.
  • East Riverfront East and West stations are within an area that is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.

Allison East (Median Station) 
Where:  Broad St., btwn Allison St. & Meadow St.  
What:  Station Foundation / Install Comms. / Electrical Conduits
Parking Impacts: North side of Broad St (WB direction):  parking will be permanently removed. South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  parking is temporarily removed, while the Allison East station construction is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Science Museum East/West (Median Stations)
Where:  Between Robinson St. & Terminal Pl.
What:  T.B.D.
Parking Impacts:  North side of Broad St (WB direction): Parking will be permanently removed from the Science Museum entrance to near Terminal Pl. After completion of station, some parking will be restored near Terminal Pl.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed between the Boulevard to Strawberry St. After completion of station, a few parking spaces will be restored west of Robinson St. and west of Strawberry St.  

Cleveland East/West (Median Stations)  
Where:  Between Cleveland St. & Altamont St.
What:   T.B.D.
Parking Impacts: North side of Broad St (WB direction): Parking will be temporarily removed while construction of Cleveland stations is occurring. After completion of stations, some parking will be restored between Sheppard St. and Boulevard; west of MacTavish St.; and between Roseneath Rd. and I-195 overpass.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed from I-195 overpass to Boulevard. 

VCU/VUU East (Median Station)  
Where:  Between Shafer St. & Laurel St.
What:  Station Foundation / Footers
Parking Impacts: North Side of Broad St. (WB direction):  Parking will be permanently removed from Harrison St. to Belvidere St. After completion of station, some parking will be restored west of Harrison St., near the Siegel Center.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction):  Parking will be temporarily removed across from Hancock St. to Laurel St. After completion of station, some parking will be restored east and west of Shafer St.

Convention Center East (Curb Station) 
Where:   Broad St. btwn 4th & 5th Sts. 
What:  Station Foundation
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Orleans (Curb Station) 
Where:  Orleans St. at Rocketts Landing  
What:  T.B.D.
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

East Riverfront West/East (Curb Stations)
Where: E. Main St., between Ash St. & Nicholson St.
What:  Station Foundation / Footers

Shockoe Bottom East (Curb Station)
Where:  E. Main St. eastbound, between 24th & 25th Sts.
What:  T.B.D.
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Staples Mill East (Curb Station)
Where: Eastbound Broad St., between Chantilly St. & Blacker St.
What:  Excavation / Footers
Parking Impacts:  Construction will temporarily close sidewalks and a portion of curb lanes, where stations are being built. Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Pardon Our Dust UPDATE

This week on Broad Street, construction activity continued at Allison East; Cleveland East and West; and Science Museum East and West stations. Demolition of the Broad Street median continued, from Belvidere St. eastward. Crews also continued the water line relocation at Staples Mill East. Traffic signal work continued from 5th Street eastward, as well as from Roseneath Rd. eastward. On E. Main Street, construction continued at East Riverfront East station and at the Orleans station in Rocketts Landing. Work also began at the Shockoe Bottom East station.

Weekly RE-CAP Sun., May 7 - Sat., May 13

Traffic Signal Work
When:  Sun., May 7 to Thurs., May 11 (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and Mon., May 8 to Fri., May 12 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. (EB/WB) at 5th St., 6th St., 11th St., 12th St., 14th St., Old 14th St. (trenching)
and Broad St. at Roseneath Rd./Tilden St., Altamont St./Sheppard St., Robinson St./N. Davis St. (cabinet foundations)
Impacts:  Temporary single and double lane closures at signal intersections. Temporary detours possible on Broad St., 14th St. and Main St., where signal work is occurring. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Roadway Work
When: Mon., May 8 to Sat., May 13 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. from Belvidere St. eastward
What:  Median demolition
Impacts: No additional traffic impacts; work is within existing median MOT.

Water Line Work
When:   Mon., May 8 to Fri., May 11 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where:  Staples Mill East, Broad St. eastbound, between Chantilly St. and Blacker St.
Impacts: Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Construction
When: Mon., May 8 to Sat., May 13 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Allison East (Median Station)
Where:  Broad St., btwn Allison St. & Meadow St.  
What:  Station Foundation (pending receipt of masonry)

Science Museum East/West (Median Stations)
Where: Between Robinson St. & Terminal Pl.
What:   Station Foundation

Cleveland East/West (Median Stations)
Where: Between Cleveland St. & Altamont St.
What:  Station Foundation

Orleans:  Orleans St. (Curb Station)
Where: Rocketts Landing  
What:  Excavation and Grading

East Riverfront East (Curb Station)
Where: E. Main St., btwn Ash St. & Nicholson St.
What:  Excavation & Station Foundation

Shockoe Bottom East (Curb Station)
Where:  E. Main St. eastbound, between 24th & 25th Sts.
What:  Removal of light poles & Excavation

Impacts include the following: 
Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Median Station Impacts:
Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, from Hamilton St. to 1st St. 
Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. 
At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.

Curb Station Impacts:
A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. 
Sidewalks within construction zones will be closed during construction. 
Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.
East Riverfront East and West stations are within an area that is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.

Sunday, May 14 to Saturday, May 20
Traffic Signal Work
When:  Sun., May 14 to Thurs., May 18 (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and Mon., May 15 to Fri., May 19 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. at 12th St., 14th St., Old 14th St. (trenching), Franklin St. at 14th St. (trenching), E. Main St. at 14th St. (trenching) and Broad St. at Roseneath Rd./Tilden St., Altamont St./Sheppard St., Robinson St./N. Davis St. (cabinet foundations)
Impacts:  Temporary single and double lane closures at signal intersections. Temporary detours possible on Broad St., 14th St. and Main St., where signal work is occurring. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Roadway Work
When:  Mon., May 15 to Sat., May 20 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. from Belvidere St. eastward
What:  Median demolition
Where: Broad St. from Lombardy St. westward
What: Preparing for median paving
Impacts: No additional traffic impacts; work is within existing median MOT.

Water Line Work
When: Mon., May 15 to Fri., May 18 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where:  Staples Mill East, Broad St. eastbound, between Chantilly St. and Blacker St.
Impacts: Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Work  
When: Mon., May 15 to Sat., May 20 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Allison East (Median Station)
Where:  Broad St., btwn Allison St. & Meadow St.  
What: Station Foundation (pending receipt of masonry)

Science Museum East/West (Median Stations)
Where:  Between Robinson St. & Terminal Pl.
What:  Totem, Kneewall & Equipment Pad 

Cleveland East/West (Median Stations)
Where: Between Cleveland St. & Altamont St.
What:   Station Foundation

Orleans (Curb Station)
Where: Orleans St. at Rocketts Landing  
What: Excavation and Grading

East Riverfront West/East (Curb Stations)
Where:  E. Main St., btwn Ash St. & Nicholson St.
What:  Station Foundation / Excavation

Shockoe Bottom East (Curb Station)
Where:  E. Main St. eastbound, between 24th & 25th Sts.
What:   Station Foundation /  Excavation

Impacts include the following: 
Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Median Station Impacts:
Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, from Hamilton St. to 1st St. 
Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. 
At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.

Curb Station Impacts:
A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. 
Sidewalks within construction zones will be closed during construction. 
Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.
East Riverfront East and West stations are within an area that is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.

Sunday, May 21 to Saturday, May 27
Traffic Signal Work
When: Sun., May 21 to Thurs., May 25 (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and Mon., May 22 to Fri., May 26 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where:  E. Main St. at 14th St., 17th St., 18th St., 25th St., (trenching) and Orleans St. (trenching)
Impacts:  Temporary single and double lane closures at signal intersections. Temporary detours possible on Broad St., 14th St. and Main St., where signal work is occurring. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Roadway Work
When:  Mon., May 22 to Fri., May 26 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. from Belvidere St. eastward
What:  Median demolition
Where:  Broad St. from Lombardy St. westward
What:  Median paving
Impacts: No additional traffic impacts; work is within existing median MOT.

Water Line Work
When: Mon., May 22 to Fri., May 26 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.) 
Where:  Willow Lawn, Broad St. eastbound, between Byrd Ave. and Willow Lawn Dr.
Impacts:  Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Work 
When:  Mon., May 22 to Sat., May 27 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Allison East (Median Station)
Where:  Broad St., btwn Allison St. & Meadow St.  
What:  Station Foundation / Masonry

Science Museum East/West (Median Stations)
Where:  Robinson St. & Terminal Pl.
What:  Station Foundation / Kneewall

Cleveland East/West (Median Stations)
Where:  Between Cleveland St. & Altamont St.
What: Station Foundation

VCU/VUU East (Median Station) 
Where: Between Shafer St. & Laurel St.
What:  Excavation

Orleans (Curb Station) 
Where:  Orleans St. at Rocketts Landing  
What:  Station Foundation

East Riverfront West/East (Curb Station) 
Where: E. Main St., btwn Ash St. & Nicholson St.
What:  Station Foundation

Shockoe Bottom East (Curb Station) 
Where:  E. Main St. eastbound, between 24th & 25th Sts.
What:  Station Foundation

Willow Lawn (Curb Station)
Where: Eastbound Broad St., btwn Byrd Ave. & Willow Lawn Dr.
What:  Set Barrier / MOT (progress dependent)

Staples Mill West (Curb Station)
Where:  WB Broad St., btwn Staples Mill Rd. & Maywill St.
What:   Set Barrier / MOT (progress dependent)

Impacts include the following: 
Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Median Station Impacts:
Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, from Hamilton St. to 1st St. 
Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. 
At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.

Curb Station Impacts:
A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. 
Sidewalks within construction zones will be closed during construction. 
Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.
East Riverfront East and West stations are within an area that is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.

Tuesday, May 30 to Saturday, June 3
Traffic Signal Work
When:  Tues., May 30 to Thurs., June 1 (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) and Tues., May 30 to Fri., June 2 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where:  Intersections TBD
Impacts:  Temporary single and double lane closures at signal intersections. Temporary detours possible on Broad St., 14th St. and Main St., where signal work is occurring. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Roadway Work
When: Tues., May 30 to Sat., June 3 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where: Broad St. from Lombardy St. westward
What:  Median paving

Water Line Work
When:  Tues., May 30 to Fri., June 2 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Where:  Willow Lawn, Broad St. eastbound, between Byrd Ave. and Willow Lawn Dr.
Impacts:  Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Construction
When:  Tues., May 30 to Sat., June 3 (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Allison East (Median Station) 
Where:  Broad St., btwn Allison St. & Meadow St.  
What:  Station Foundation / Install Comms / Structural Concrete

Science Museum East/West (Median Stations)
Where:  Between Robinson St. & Terminal Pl.
What:  Station Foundation / Install Comms / Structural Concrete

Cleveland East/West (Median Stations)  
Where:  Between Cleveland St. & Altamont St.
What:  Station Foundation

VCU/VUU East (Median Station)  
Where:  Between Shafer St. & Laurel St.
What:  Excavation

Orleans (Curb Station) 
Where:  Orleans St. at Rocketts Landing  
What:  Station Foundation

East Riverfront West/East (Curb Stations)
Where: E. Main St., between Ash St. & Nicholson St.
What:  Station Foundation

Shockoe Bottom East (Curb Station)
Where:  E. Main St. eastbound, between 24th & 25th Sts.
What:  Station Foundation

Staples Mill East (Curb Station)
Where: Eastbound Broad St., between Chantilly St. & Blacker St.
What:  Excavation

Impacts include the following: 
Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Median Station Impacts:
Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, from Hamilton St. to 1st St. 
Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. 
At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.

Curb Station Impacts:
A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. 
Sidewalks within construction zones will be closed during construction. 
Parking will be temporarily removed, where station construction is occurring.
East Riverfront East and West stations are within an area that is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Pardon Our Dust UPDATE

This week on Broad Street, construction activity continued at Allison East; Cleveland East and West; and Science Museum East and West stations. Crews also continued the water line relocation at Staples Mill East. Traffic signal work continued from Adams Street eastward. On E. Main Street, construction began at East Riverfront East station. At Rocketts Landing, construction continued at the Orleans station.

Also this week, LANE conducted the removal or relocation of GRTC bus stops along the Pulse route. This work is permitted and required as part of station construction. For a list of bus stops affected, see link:

Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) has been established where work is occurring; see last page of this look-ahead for messaging on the MOT, to be shared with stakeholders.
Work is occurring during permitted daytime hours, 7.a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Saturday. Traffic signal work is occurring during both permitted daytime and nighttime hours, 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., Sunday to Thursday. Details are below. All schedules are weather and progress-dependent.

Depending on proximity to the work zone, those in the area could hear portions of the construction work. All work is being done within permitting guidelines, including allowed noise levels.

WEEKLY RE-CAP:   Sunday, April 30 to Saturday, May 6
Traffic Signals:
When: Night work (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) Sun., April 30 to Thurs., May 4
                        Day work (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Mon., May 1 to Fri., May 4
Where:   Broad St. (eastbound and westbound) at intersections of Adams St., Monroe St., 3rd St., 5th St., 6th St.  (trenching)
Impacts: Temporary single and double lane closures at signal intersections. Temporary detours possible on Broad St. where signal work is occurring. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Median MOT:
Impacts: Permanent closures of the median and inside lanes of Broad St., between Hamilton St. and 1st St. Two travel lanes remain open in both directions. Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station.  At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.

Roadway Work:
What:      Median demolition
Where:    Belvidere St. eastward
Impacts:  No additional traffic impacts; work is within existing work zone.

Water Line Relocation: Staples Mill East
Where: Broad St. eastbound, opposite Maywill St., between Chantilly St. and Blacker St.
Impacts: Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Construction: Allison East 
Where: Median of Broad St., between Allison St. & Meadow St. 
Details: Station foundation (pending approvals)
Impacts: Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, at Allison East. Street parking impacts include the north side of Broad St (WB direction) between Strawberry St. and Allen Ave. parking will be permanently removed.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction) between Strawberry St. and Allen Ave. parking is temporarily removed, while the Allison East station construction is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Science Museum West and East stations 
Where: Median of Broad St., between Robinson St. & Terminal Pl. 
Details: Station foundation 
Impacts: Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., both eastbound and westbound, at Science Museum East and West. Parking impacts include the north side of Broad St (WB direction) between Robinson St. and Terminal Pl. parking will be removed while construction of Science Museum East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored. South side of Broad St. (EB direction) between Robinson St. and east of the Boulevard parking will be removed while construction of Science Museum East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Cleveland East and West stations
Where: Median of Broad St., between Cleveland St. & Altamont St. 
Details: Excavation and foundation installation
Impacts: Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., both eastbound and westbound, at Cleveland East and West. Street parking impacts includes the north side of Broad St (WB direction) between N. Sheppard St. and Cleveland St. parking will be removed while construction of Cleveland East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored. South side of Broad St. (EB direction) between Tilden St. and Wayne St. parking will be removed while construction of Cleveland East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Orleans 
Where: Orleans Street (at Rocketts Landing)
Details: Station foundation
Impacts: A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. The sidewalk within the construction zone will be closed during construction. Parking on Orleans Street will be temporarily removed during construction.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: East Riverfront East 
Where: E. Main St., between Ash St. & Nicholson St.
Details: Excavation beginning
Impacts: None to traveling public; this section of road is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.
Detour:  From E. Main St. eastbound, take Williamsburg Ave. to Nicholson St. to E. Main St. 

Bus Stop Removal/Relocation: 
Where: Broad Street and E. Main Street, between Willow Lawn and Rocketts Landing

Sunday, May 7 to Saturday, May 13
Traffic Signals:
When: Night work (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) Sun., May 7 to Thurs., May 11
                        Day work (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Mon., May 8 to Fri., May 12
Where:   Broad St. (EB and/or WB) at 5th St., 6th St., 11th St., 12th St., Old 14th St. (trenching) Franklin St. @ 14th St. (trenching)
Impacts:  Temporary single and double lane closures at signal intersections. Temporary detours possible on Broad St. where signal work is occurring. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Median MOT:
Impacts: Permanent closures of the median and inside lanes of Broad St., between Hamilton St. and 1st St. Two travel lanes remain open in both directions. Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.

Roadway Work:
What:      Median demolition
Where: Broad St. from Belvidere St. eastward
Impacts: No additional traffic impacts; work is within existing work zone.

Water Line Relocation: Staples Mill East
Where: Broad St. eastbound, opposite Maywill St., between Chantilly St. and Blacker St.
Impacts: Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Construction: Allison East 
Where: Median of Broad St., between Allison St. & Meadow St. 
Details: Station foundation (pending approvals)
Impacts: Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, at Allison East. Street parking impacts include the north side of Broad St (WB direction) between Strawberry St. and Allen Ave. parking will be permanently removed.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction) between Strawberry St. and Allen Ave. parking is temporarily removed, while the Allison East station construction is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Science Museum West and East stations 
Where: Median of Broad St., between Robinson St. & Terminal Pl. 
Details: Totem and equipment pad 
Impacts: Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., both eastbound and westbound, at Science Museum East and West. Parking impacts include the north side of Broad St (WB direction) between Robinson St. and Terminal Pl. parking will be removed while construction of Science Museum East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored. South side of Broad St. (EB direction) between Robinson St. and east of the Boulevard parking will be removed while construction of Science Museum East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Cleveland East and West stations
Where: Median of Broad St., between Cleveland St. & Altamont St. 
Details: Station foundation work
Impacts: Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., both eastbound and westbound, at Cleveland East and West. Street parking impacts include the north side of Broad St (WB direction) between N. Sheppard St. and Cleveland St. parking will be removed while construction of Cleveland East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored. South side of Broad St. (EB direction) between Tilden St. and Wayne St. parking will be removed while construction of Cleveland East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Orleans 
Where: Orleans Street (at Rocketts Landing)
Details: Station foundation
Impacts: A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanesshould remain open in both directions. The sidewalk within the construction zone will be closed during construction. Parking on Orleans Street will be temporarily removed during construction.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Shockoe Bottom East 
Where: East Main Street, eastbound between 24th and 25th Streets
Details: Removal of light poles 
Impacts: Temporary closure of the eastbound curbside lane and sidewalk. Travel lanes should remain open in both directions. Parking will be temporarily removed in this location. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: East Riverfront West 
Where: E. Main St., between Ash St. & Nicholson St.
Details: Excavation and station foundation
Impacts: None to traveling public; this section of road is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.
Detour:  From E. Main St. eastbound, take Williamsburg Ave. to Nicholson St. to E. Main St. 

Sunday, May 14 to Saturday, May 20
Traffic Signals:
When: Night work (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) Sun., May 14 to Thurs., May 18
                        Day work (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Mon., May 15 to Fri., May 19
Where:   Broad St. at Old 14th St. (trenching)
                        Franklin St. at 14th St. (trenching)
                        E. Main St. at 14th St. (trenching)
                       Broad St. at Roseneath Rd./Tilden St., Altamont St./Sheppard St., Robinson St./N. Davis St. (cabinet foundations)
Impacts: Temporary single and double lane closures laterally at signal intersections. Temporary detours possible where signal work is occurring. Cabinet foundation work will be daytime, with temporary sidewalk closures. Most of this work will be on the eastbound sidewalk, a handful on the westbound side. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Median MOT:
Impacts: Permanent closures of the median and inside lanes of Broad St., between Hamilton St. and 1st St. Two travel lanes remain open in both directions. Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum and Cleveland stations. Parking has been removed in these locations, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. 

Beginning Sunday evening, May 14, a lane shift at the VCU/VUU East station is estimated to be in effect.

At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.

Roadway Work:
What:      Preparing for median paving
Where: Broad St. from Lombardy St. westward
Impacts: No additional traffic impacts; work is within existing work zone.

Water Line Relocation: Staples Mill East
Where: Broad St. eastbound, opposite Maywill St., between Chantilly St. and Blacker St.
Impacts: Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Construction: Allison East 
Where: Median of Broad St., between Allison St. & Meadow St. 
Details: Station foundation / kneewalls (pending approvals)
Impacts: Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, at Allison East. Street parking impacts include the north side of Broad St (WB direction) between Strawberry St. and Allen Ave.:  parking will be permanently removed.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction) between Strawberry St. and Allen Ave. parking is temporarily removed, while the Allison East station construction is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Science Museum West and East stations 
Where: Median of Broad St., between Robinson St. & Terminal Pl. 
Details: Kneewall (pending approved materials)
Impacts: Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., both eastbound and westbound, at Science Museum East and West. Parking impacts include the north side of Broad St (WB direction) between Robinson St. and Terminal Pl. parking will be removed while construction of Science Museum East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction) between Robinson St. and east of the Boulevard parking will be removed while construction of Science Museum East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Cleveland East and West stations
Where: Median of Broad St., between Cleveland St. & Altamont St. 
Details: Station foundation work
Impacts: Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., both eastbound and westbound, at Cleveland East and West. Street parking impacts include the north side of Broad St (WB direction) between N. Sheppard St. and Cleveland St. parking will be removed while construction of Cleveland East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction) between Tilden St. and Wayne St. parking will be removed while construction of Cleveland East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Orleans 
Where: Orleans Street (at Rocketts Landing)
Details: Station foundation
Impacts: A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. The sidewalk within the construction zone will be closed during construction. Parking on Orleans Street will be temporarily removed during construction.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Shockoe Bottom East 
Where: East Main Street, eastbound between 24th and 25th Streets
Details: Station foundation 
Impacts: Temporary closure of the eastbound right lane. Travel lanes should remain open in both directions. The sidewalk within the construction zone will be closed during construction. Parking will be temporarily removed in this location. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: East Riverfront West 
Where: E. Main St., between Ash St. & Nicholson St.
Details: Station Foundation 
Impacts: None to traveling public; this section of road is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.
Detour:  From E. Main St. eastbound, take Williamsburg Ave. to Nicholson St. to E. Main St. 

Sunday, May 21 to Saturday, May 27
Traffic Signals:
When: Night work (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) Sun., May 21 to Thurs., May 25
                        Day work (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Mon., May 22 to Fri., May 26
Where:   Intersections on Main St., TBD
Impacts:  Temporary single and double lane closures laterally at signal intersections. Temporary detours possible, where signal work is occurring. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of trenching work. This includes equipment cutting across streets and intersections.

Median MOT:
Impacts: Permanent closures of the median and inside lanes of Broad St., between Hamilton St. and 1st St. Two travel lanes remain open in both directions. Lane shifts are in effect at Allison, Science Museum, Cleveland and VCU/VUU East stations. Parking has been removed here, while construction is occurring, and will be restored to final configuration upon completion of each station. 

Pending approvals for the week of May 21, lane shifts at VCU/VUU West, Shockoe Bottom, Willow Lawn and Staples Mill West stations are estimated to be in effect.

At the Cleveland East station, left-turn access from Broad St. onto Cleveland St. and Altamont St. is temporarily closed, in both the eastbound and westbound directions, while construction of this station is occurring.

Roadway Work:
What: Median paving
Where: Broad St. from Lombardy St. westward
Impacts: No additional traffic impacts; work is within existing work zone.

Water Line Relocation: Willow Lawn
Where: Broad St., between Willow Lawn Dr. and Byrd Ave.
Impacts: Temporary closure of the sidewalk and curbside lane of eastbound Broad St.

Station Construction: Allison East 
Where: Median of Broad St., between Allison St. & Meadow St. 
Details: Station foundation, install communication and electrical conduits
Impacts: Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., in both the eastbound and westbound directions, at Allison East. Street parking impacts include the north side of Broad St (WB direction) between Strawberry St. and Allen Ave. parking will be permanently removed.  South side of Broad St. (EB direction) between Strawberry St. and Allen Ave.:  parking is temporarily removed, while the Allison East station construction is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Science Museum West and East stations 
Where: Median of Broad St., between Robinson St. & Terminal Pl. 
Details: Station foundation, install communication and electrical conduits
Impacts: Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., both eastbound and westbound, at Science Museum East and West. Parking impacts include the north side of Broad St (WB direction) between Robinson St. and Terminal Pl. parking will be removed while construction of Science Museum East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored. South side of Broad St. (EB direction) between Robinson St. and east of the Boulevard parking will be removed while construction of Science Museum East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Cleveland East and West stations
Where: Median of Broad St., between Cleveland St. & Altamont St. 
Details: Station foundation work
Impacts: Permanent closures of median and inside lanes of Broad St., both eastbound and westbound, at Cleveland East and West. Street parking impacts include the north side of Broad St (WB direction) between N. Sheppard St. and Cleveland St. parking will be removed while construction of Cleveland East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored. South side of Broad St. (EB direction) between Tilden St. and Wayne St.:  Parking will be removed while construction of Cleveland East is occurring. After completion of station, parking will be restored. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Orleans 
Where: Orleans Street (at Rocketts Landing)
Details: Station totem and kneewall
Impacts: A portion of the roadway will be closed for construction operations, but travel lanes should remain open in both directions. The sidewalk within the construction zone will be closed during construction. Parking on Orleans Street will be temporarily removed during construction.

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: Shockoe Bottom East 
Where: East Main Street, eastbound between 24th and 25th Streets
Details: Station foundation 
Impacts: Temporary closure of the eastbound right lane. Travel lanes should remain open in both directions. The sidewalk within the construction zone will be closed during construction. Parking will be temporarily removed in this location. 

Noise: Depending on proximity to work zone, area residents could hear portions of work. This includes noise caused by equipment used to build the stations.

Station Construction: East Riverfront 
Where: E. Main St., between Ash St. & Nicholson St.
Details: TBD 
Impacts: None to traveling public; this section of road is already closed due to city’s existing East Riverfront Redevelopment project. No MOT is required.
Detour:  From E. Main St. eastbound, take Williamsburg Ave. to Nicholson St. to E. Main St.