I am fully supportive of bus rapid transit in Richmond. The
proposed Pulse has the potential to form the spine of GRTC as we move forward
into the 21st century. More and more people are moving back into the city to
neighborhoods like Scott's Addition, Downtown, Shockoe Bottom and Rocketts
Landing. Public transportation needs to be a competitive alternative to driving
for new and current residents. The Pulse will serve all of of these
neighborhoods and has the potential to allow households to go car free or car
light where a two car family goes to a one car family.
Much of the opposition to the Pulse is focused on parking.
Currently parking in the city of Richmond is extremely easy and extraordinarily
cheap. But people are used to free street parking and it is rational not to
want to give up something that has been perceived as free for a very long time.
However free parking is not free. It costs everyone, including those who do not
even own cars. Parking will not be drastically impacted with the implementation
of bus rapid transit. At most people will not be able to park directly in front
of their destination if the current plan moves forward. Furthermore, the
streets are a public good. The free storage of private automobiles shouldn't
thwart a project that gives residents who cannot afford to or choose not to use
a private automobile, a viable means of transportation.
While BRT can be great at attracting new riders, the Pulse
needs to benefit current riders too. Private car ownership is extremely costly
and the city and parts of eastern Henrico have a poverty level in excess of
25%. Additionally 18% of households in the city do not have access to a car and
41% of households have access to only one car. These residents have the right
to convenient, reliable transportation. Bus rapid transit can provide that. I
hope that in the future the Pulse will extend beyond Rocketts Landing to
Montrose and other neighborhoods that truly need better public transportation.
Mark Peterson
Homeowner, Richmond VA